HIV cases among young people are growing in Brazil. Carnival is a 4-day long holiday with festivities all over the country, a period where young people are more susceptible to drinking, drugs and sex. Therefore, every year, the Ministry of Health distributes millions of condoms during this period.
It so happens that carnival is a street party. We needed to reach the public outside their homes. Knowing that, we created a character that would celebrate along with the partygoers: the Condom Man. We did the launch on TV, but the great differential was having the character present at the most popular parties at the most popular cities in Brazil. We also reinforce its presence in digital, through videos on whattsapp and Facebook. The strategy was a success, in addition to generating spontaneous media, the partygoers themselves made sure to post on their social networks with “the Condom Man”.
Today the Condom Man is more than a campaign and now it is part of the official calendar of the Ministry of Health and it is very common to see people dressed as Condom Man during carnival throughout Brazil. Proof that the campaign communication was transcended and is now part of Brazilian culture, along with the carnival.